About Us


The Chic Studio Photo adventure was born in 1999 from the association of a passionate photographer and a marketing expert, who wanted to create a platform allowing photographers and clients to streamline their discussions and save time. and above all to offer a photo solution adapted to each need.

Whether you are a professional with specific needs (CEO, Employee of the functions of Project Manager, Consultant, Trader, stylist …), an individual who wants quality photos for his professional tools or a personal occasion, Chic Studio Photo takes you in charge of and provides its know-how, its studios and its management tool that will provide you with a unique customer experience.

Chic Studio Photo is thus illustrated as the new generation photo service, which combines both a digital tool, fast and efficient, allowing in particular the making of appointments, the archiving of files, team management … while retaining the heart of this profession: the know-how and the talent of a professional photographer.

Indeed, Chic Studio Photo’s assumed bias is to fight against the popularization of the profession of photographer and against the leveling down of the services offered, to rather sublimate this profession both artistic and artisanal, thanks to more modern tools. .

Professionalism, listening and benevolence are the values ​​that we carry and that we place at the heart of our approach and we are convinced that this return to “basics” is the future of the profession of photographer.

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